Sunday, August 31, 2008


Peristiwa pengisytiharaan kemerdekaan

30 Ogos 1957- Bendera Union Jack diturunkan di Padang Kelab Sultan Selangor dan bendera Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dinaikkan.

31 Ogos 1957- Pemasyuran Kemerdekaan di Stadium Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur. Wakil Ratu England, Duke of Wellington menyerahkan Pengisytiharaan Kemerdekaan kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

Kandungan Pemasyuran Kemerdekaan :-

  • Persekutuan Tanah Melayu mencapai taraf merdeka
  • Perjanjian Persekutuan Tanah Melayu 1957 ditandatangani bagi membentuk Tanah Melayu
  • Kuatkuasa perlembagaan persekutuan 31 Ogos 1957
  • Persekutuan terdiri daripada 11 negeri
  • Pembentukan negara demokrasi
  • Kuasa Ratu & Parlimen England terbatal

Saturday, August 30, 2008


When Tanah Melayu was on its way to gain independence, they needed an official rule or 'perlembagaan' that will satisfy all races. For that particular purpose, Suruhanjaya Reid was formed. So what exactly did Lord William Reid (President of Surahanjaya Reid) and his people do? Well there were four important things they had worked on...

1) Merangka perlembagaan bagi Tanah Melayu yang akan merdeka
2) Membentuk dan menentukan kuasa kerajaan pusat dan negeri
3) Menjamin kedudukan khas raja-raja Melayu
4) Mewujudkan satu rupa bangsa Tanah Melayu

However Suruhanjaya Reid had to do some changes with the contents so that everyone will agree with it... Perlembagaan Tanah Melayu was completely accepted by the British Parliament in June 1957. Some of the contents that were stated in Perlembagaan Tanah Melayu :-
1) Yang di-Pertuan Agong sebagai ketua negara
2) Perdana Menteri sebagai ketua pentadbiran
3) Agama Islam adalah agama rasmi Tanah Malayu
4) Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan


  • Parti Perikatan (UMNO, MIC, MCA) had been planing a lot since in the early 1956 to gain independence for our beloved country, Tanah Melayu (Now called Malaysia). The highlight of their agenda was the 'Rombongan Merdeka'. The latter was formed to negotiate with the British to free Tanah Melayu. Some important information related to the 'Rombongan Merdeka' are as below :-

    Parti Perikatan Representatives
    - Tunku Abdul Rahman
    - Tun Dr. Ismail
    - Tun H.S. Lee
    - Tun Abdul Razak Hussein

    Royal Representatives
    - Dato' Panglima Gantang
    - Abdul Aziz Othman
    - Dato' Mohd. Seth
    - Dato' Nik Ahmed Kamil

    Perjanjian London
    - It was led by Lord Lennox-Boyd.
    - It was held from 18 Jan to 8 Feb 1956.
    - The date of independence day was decided.
    - The delegation returned on 20 Feb 1956.
    - The date of Independence Day was announced
    at Padang Merdeka, Bandar Hilir, Melaka.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Let's get it started!

Okay, first step! Watch this great video done by a creative and high-tech university student named Ching Ching. It was a project she had to do at UKM. We thought it was really awesome!!

Were there any tears running down your face when you were watching this video?
Well ask yourself...but you must be wondering how hard it was for our first prime minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman to make this memorable day a reality? And what made Malaysia today? A developing country with world class facilities? In the next post, we hope your curiousity will be cleared.. :)

Sejarah again? It's alright...

It's our very first post!! So the thing is, we had to create a blog on Bab 5 (Sejarah textbook) entitled Kemerdekaan Negara 31 Ogos 1957. Well of course it is pretty rushing since we have to start right after trials but it's fine... So four of us in a group will put real effort in making this 'serious' blog a good one. Hope the readers gain something from this alright!! And we will even put in some 'hard to get' videos too... So feel free to click on the play button, okay?! :)